What can we learn from this?

First of all, in these aphorisms we can get to know the disturbance of natural harmony by space-time-shifts, i.e. the natural basis of all problems which we nowadays encounter between people.

Listening reveals to us that the tonal deviations and/or dissonances between neighbouring generations are only of a minor nature, and increase with further generations.

There are always tonal connecting points between generations. The neighbouring generations have more tonal connections – the more distant fewer. From this insight into the microcosm of music, and the natural family relationships, the whole field of “Music and Education” finally grows.*

These “Meditative Aphorisms” reveal archaic dealings with the phenomenon ”Harmonics” – as do the “Zen-Symphonies and Hymns”, as well as the symphonies and hymns of “The Great Stream”.

”The Art of the Feminine”, the “Hymns of the Dome”, the “Violin Concertos”, the “Piano Concertos”, the “Metamorphoses” etc. show the solution of the European classical musicians for the phenomenon of natural harmony – one would like to think, more academic dealings with the space-time-shift – in contrast to the archaic dealings, as we also find in the laws of harmony of the microcosm of music in exactly the same way.
A synthesis of that archaic presentation of the laws of harmony of the microcosm of music, and that more academic European application are particularly demonstrated by the work of the groups “Meditative Life”. Here, we are shown the completely natural harmonious archaic dealings of the different groups – in contrast to the “Meditative Aphorisms”, which is all about the presentation of the problematic nature of human generation problems – and/or the cosmic space-time-shift in thinking and in our consciousness.




Microcosm of Music                                 continued 5
Soprano Solo, Alto Solo,
Baritone Solo, Bass Solo, Choir
archaic strings, woodwinds sound bowls, bells, brass
didgeridoos, drums

Peter Hübner
Meditative Aphorisms
Instrumental –
Orchestra No. 1-5
Label: Harmony Expansion
playing time: 5h 29’35”

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please visit:




©   A A R   E D I T I O N   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   2001



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